AIME Brush & Glow – Body Brush BRUSH & GLOW
The Brush & Glow Body Brush exfoliates the skin and breaks down lipid accumulation, therefore reducing the appearance of cellulite and “dimples” for softer and smoother skin.
The best time to dry brush is before taking a shower. Start with the surface of your feet, then work your way up to your calves. Always brush in direction to your heart with upward motions. Make sure to attentively brush any areas where you have cellulite, your thighs for example, do circular motions, followed by straight motions going upward.
Before brushing your upper body, do not forget your arms and hands, still doing upward motions moving towards the heart.
To finish, brush your abdomen and chest – use a clockwise sweeping motion.
Be careful: do not put too much pressure on your brush, keep a light pressure using energetic movements.
La lista di ingredienti può subire dei cambiamenti, il consumatore deve far riferimento al packaging del prodotto per la lista ingredienti più aggiornata.
Brand | Aime |
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